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作者:stella 来源:留学中国 点击率:  


得天独厚的地理环境,使昆明这座位于滇池之滨的高原城市,成为世界上少有的“天气常如二三月,花枝不断四时春”以“春城”之美名享誉世界的观光旅游、休闲度假、探险猎奇和商务会议胜地。 悠远的历史、灿烂的文化和优越的气候条件给昆明留下了许多珍贵的文物古迹和风景名胜,使她成为一座“城在景中、景在城中”的园林城市。在这里有被称为“城市翡翠”,因烟柳翠荷而得名的翠湖公园;有上悬“海内第一长联”的大观楼所在地——大观公园;有以重达250吨的全铜建筑——金殿为主殿的金殿公园;有清浊二潭以石桥为界,泾渭分明互不混淆,旁植唐梅、宋柏、元杉、明茶和百亩梅花的黑龙潭公园;有珍藏着“东方雕塑艺术明珠”——五百罗汉泥塑而著称的筇竹寺;有峰峦起伏、林木苍翠,华亭寺、太华寺、三清阁和聂耳墓掩映其间的西山森林公园;有以“人与自然和谐发展”为主题建园于滇池北岸的夏之春海滨公园;有以“东南亚之窗”命名的玉龙湾旅游发展中心;有以“天下第一汤”——碧玉温泉为中心的安宁温泉省级旅游度假区和在碧波荡漾的阳宗海海滨开辟的省级旅游度假区……在昆明市多达40余处的景区景点中,最令世人称道的是:以“天下第一奇观”闻名中外的国家级重点风景名胜区石林;以“雄、险、奇、秀”为特色,集各类溶洞景观为一体的国家级重点风景区九乡溶洞群;以烟波浩淼的五百里滇池为依托的滇池国家旅游度假区。





不久的将来,昆明必将成为一座举世闻名的国际旅游城市。 欢迎您!尊贵的嘉宾,亲爱的朋友,开放的花都——昆明已向您张开双臂,春天永驻的边城——昆明将为您带来无尽的惊喜与欢乐,给您留下永生难忘的美好的记忆。

Kunming city is the provincial capital of Yunnan Province, which has an area of 15.6 thousand square kilometers and a population of 3.6 million.

Kunming is situated at the high plateau of the eastern part of Yunnan Province. To the south is the biggest Dian Lake of Yunnan Province. It belongs to the subtropical plateau monsoon climatic zone; the annual average temperature is 14.7? And the yearly precipitation, 1024 mm. It is rich in phosphorus, salt mine and quartz and other such mineral resources as metabolite, iron, bauxite, copper, coal, etc; it is also rich in ground water and geothermal energy resources.

In the field of industries, priority is given to the development of machinery, metallurgy, textile and building materials, among which the industries of smelting nonferrous metals and tobacco processing form one of the main production basis of their kinds in China. The productions of machine tool, optical instruments and meters, electrical machinery, cigarette, phosphorus, phosphate fertilizer, the melting of lead, copper and zinc have captured an important share in the domestic market.

In agriculture, paddy rice, oil, flue-cured tobacco, sugar cane, fruits, sericulture and live pigs are produced in abundance. Fresh water fishery is cultivated in the Dian Lake.

Kunming City has a good transport service in traffic and has been linked with more than 30 cities, domestic and abroad, by air.

Kunming City is China's famous historic cultural city. Because it is evergreen everywhere like spring all the year round with flowers blooming everywhere, the city is known as "City of Spring" or "City of Flowers". It is indeed a well-known site for sightseeing and a summer resort. The Dian Lake and the Stone Forest are the two States.

It is a Major place of historic interest and scenic beauty. There are also such beautiful sites as "Black Dragon Pond" and "Tranquility Hot Spring". You will also have the opportunity to savor such traditional local specialties as the Yunnan Ham, Cured Chichen, and Long across the Bridge Rice Noodle, Fragrant Tea Sending Forth Delicate Fragrance far and Near, Steam Pot Chicken and the Whole Chicken Banquet, etc.
