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Chinese Dishes

Festive Dishes
Because of the poor and hard lifestyle character of a farming society, the Chinese farming families would have food which were being get from the farming field, such as, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetable, sweet corn, mushrooms, etc. So, the Chinese will have many dishes of meat recipes like Chicken, Pork, Fish that they do not have in the normal days. The are some special snack, or to be said, festival food will be made during the Chinese festivals, Such as Sweet-Stick Cake and Turnip Pastry in Lunar New Year, Glutinous Rice Tamale in Dragon Boat Festival, Moon Cake in Middle Autumn Festival, etc, and Steamed Buns to the Birthday person…?/FONT>
Turnip Pastry in Lunar New Year Glutinous Rice Tamale in Dragon Boat Festival Moon Cake in Middle Autumn Festival Steamed Buns to the Birthday person
Religion Culture - Vegetarian Diets
Buddhism and Tao is the main religions in Mainland China, and, it is must more simple to know that vegetarian diets becomes the main food to the people whose cult as monk and nun, as well as Taoist. There are so many vegetarian diets made looked like meat as pork, beef, fish, cuttlefish, etc. It is so funny and tasty, and healthy. Islam is one of the large religion in Mainland China, but it is well-known that, the Muslins never eat Pork, and their famous recipe is BBQ Lamb…?/FONT>
Abalone (Gluten) Sea Cucumber (Potato) Fish In Sweet and Sour Sauce (Taro)
Main Food
Generally, we can divided the farming products of main food in China into 3 styles, those are, Rice in Southern and Eastern China, Wheat in Northern China and Sweet Corn in Middle, Northern, Western China. Because of their farming products, the people living in Southern China will have rice, congee or rice noodle as their main food, and who will have wheat made products like Bun, noodle, pancake in Northern China. The populace who living on seaside and lakeside will have seafood or lake fishes as meals. Of course, people can have any food as they want nowaday.
Guangdong Style Rice Congee Shanghai Style Pork Buns