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Wenzhou University


    Wenzhou (school in Wenzhou, study in Wenzhou) University (WZU) is a comprehensive regional university established with the approval of the Ministry of Education of China. It was founded through the merger of Wenzhou Normal College and the Former Wenzhou University, which were founded in the year of 1956 and 1984 respectively.

    WZU is located in the beautiful and prosperous city of Wenzhou (school in Wenzhou, study in Wenzhou) in Zhejiang Province. Wenzhou is a coastal city in the south-eastern part of China; it is the economic and cultural center as well as the transportation hub of the southern region of Zhejiang province, with Shanghai and Hangzhou to its north, Fujian and Guangdong to its south. The two main campuses of WZU are situated in Wenzhou’s Chashan University Town, an area surrounded by green mountains and blue rivers. WZU is with a total area of 1.7 square kilometers (i.e. 419 acres), and the housing area is 820,000 square meters. The library boasts a collection of approximately 1.59 million books. The value of teaching instruments and research equipment totaled 200 million RMB.

    Currently there are 20 colleges in WZU, with a full-time student population of 24,960. The number of faculty members, administrative and supporting staff is 1,950, among which 1,310 are full-time teachers (including 167 professors, 448 associate professors), 181 are mentors for postgraduates and doctorate students, and 201 are academic or technological leaders at the provincial or municipal level.

Introduction for Wenzhou University





  学校于2003年获得硕士学位授予权,现有20个硕士学位授权学科点。有48个本科专业,1个国家级重点专业建设点,8个省级重点专业, 1门国家级精品课程,18门省级精品课程。本科专业涵盖经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、管理学等八大学科门类。设有有机化学、材料学、文艺学、民俗学等4个省级重点学科。根据《中国大学评价》2007年公布的研究结果显示,我校法学、教育学、文学、理学等4个学科门类进入全国大学100强,社会科学综合实力进入全国大学100强。

  学校设有49个科研机构,28个实验室(中心)。建有1个省级科技创新服务平台, 1个省级重点实验室,4个行业技术研究中心。近三年来,获得包括"863"、"973"项目在内的国家级科研项目28项、省部级项目112项,SCI收录论文数连续三年位居全国高校前100名。"十五"以来,获浙江省社会科学优秀成果一等奖、科技进步二等奖等省部级以上奖励21项。科研突出服务地方,科研经费逐年增长,2007年达4176万元。



  学校秉承"厚培德本、深濬智源"的优良传统,弘扬"求学问是、敢为人先"的校训精神,遵循 "以人为本、质量立校、服务地方、特色取胜、追求卓越"的办学理念,立足温州、服务浙江、面向全国,努力建设地方特色鲜明、水平较高的地方综合性大学,成为温州及周边地区高层人才集聚培养中心、文化科技创新中心和产学研结合的示范基地、基础教育师资培养基地、社区终身学习基地。


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