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Tips for Foreign Students Come China With Tour Visa

China Travel Documents

Before travellling to China, it is quite necessary to gain some knowledge towards the documents you need to handle. Most of your puzzles can be solved in the following introductions, click each one to have more detailed answers.

Entry Regulations

What is the entry regulations and procedures to declare at customs in China? How about limited quantity of duty-free goods which are allowed to carry into China? What should be declared when entering China?

·The entry regulations in China
What you should do when entering China is to fill in the Entry Registration Cards and have your passport and visa checked, including other procedures such as a quarantine check and frontier inspection. All your goods, luggage and packages should also be checked. People with VD, leprosy and infectious pulmonary are not allowed to entering China. Dangerous, harmful or toxic articles prescribed by Chinese law are prohibited into China and you must declare them to the Frontier Inspection Station. Usually the airline/ship will give each passenger an entry card and a customs declaration form to fill out prior to arrival. 

·A limited quantity of duty-free goods which are allowed to carry into China:

2 liters of alcoholic beverages
400 cigarettes
50g (2 ounces) of gold or silver
US$ less than 5,000
Chinese RMB with a total value less than 6000 yuan
Reasonable amount of perfume
1 still camera and reasonable amount of film

What should be declared when entering China

• Animal and their products, plants, biological products, blood products and human organs;
• Cigarettes with the number of more than 400 pieces, cigars 100 pieces, tobacco      500g and alcohol (above 12 degrees) 1,500ml
• (for Chinese residents) Items worth more than CNY 5,000;
• (for foreigners) Items reaching a value of CNY 2,000;
• Foreign currency worth more than US$ 5,000, or Chinese Currency exceeding CNY 2,000;
• Communication devices and transceivers;
• Separately transported luggage;
• Cargoes, advertising items and commodity samples;


·The procedures to declare at customs

For the convenience of inbound or outbound visitors, on February 1st, 2008, China made simplification of the custom declaration procedures. People who have nothing to declare can pass through the green channel directly. And people who carry articles that need to be declared must fill out a Chinese custom declaration form and pass through the red channel. However, for children under 16 and accompanied by their parents, there is no obligation to fill in the declaration form themselves. For those who hold diplomatic or courtesy visas should present the effective certificates or documents to get more efficient services from China Customs. When departing from China, travelers can choose either to complete the same declaration form listed with relevant items or to fill out a new one.